New Members


Interested in Membership ?

We would invite anyone who is interested in the art and hobby of woodturning to join our Guild and participate in  our activities.

We hold regular hybrid meetings on the fourth Saturday of each month except July and August. We look forward to seeing members in person at our meetings.

Our activity year runs from September through to the following June, with an Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at our May meeting each year. Our membership “year” runs from October through to September. Our Membership Fee is $35 annually.  Click here to complete our online Membership Form.

All members, especially new members are asked to read our Safety Pages here.

For your information, you can find a copy of our Constitution and By Laws here.

If you have any questions about joining the Guild, please contact the Membership Chairperson.

We hope you will enjoy your membership with us and urge you to take advantage of the activities offered by the guild, such as turning classes and a range of other activities.

Remember – Make Shavings !!